Leg Up

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Leg Up
Leg Up.png
Grants a movement speed increase buff, additionally increasing evasion.

Leg Up is an active self buff novice skill that greatly increases the users mobility. Upon use, it instantly increases your movement speed and evasion for a set amount of time. With higher ranks of Leg Up the buff increases your speed and evasion even more.


This skill is learned upon creating a Poon character or upon use of a skill scroll which can be bought for 1000  Crowns from Frankie's Goods or found in chests within any level of the Sanctum Catacombs dungeon.

Rank progression

Rank Level


Cost Cast time Cooldown
Rank 1 4 6 Mana Instant Cast 45s Cooldown
Movement speed increases by 20%. Evasion increased by 12%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Rank 2 4 6 Mana Instant Cast 45s Cooldown
Movement speed increases by 30%. Evasion increased by 14%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Rank 3 6 6 Mana Instant Cast 45s Cooldown
Movement speed increases by 40%. Evasion increased by 16%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
