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Applies a clearcast boon. The next cast will be instant with no mana, health or stamina cost.
Scaling Type

Alacrity is an active self buff novice skill that allows the player to cast their next spell without a cast time, for free*. Upon cast, a burst of blue crystals surround the player for 10 seconds. If the player casts another spell within 10 seconds, that spell will cast instantly if it had a cast time, and will cost no mana, health or stamina. At higher ranks Alacrity's own cast time is improved, eventually becoming instant.

 Rock Toss will still cost one rock.


Learned upon creating a Kubold character or by using an Alacrity skill scroll which can be bought for 1000  Crowns from Craig at Wall of the Stars.

Using Alacrity to cast Cryo Needle instantly

Rank progression

Rank Level


Cost Cast time Cooldown
Rank 1 Requires Level 4 3 Mana 2s Cast 40s Cooldown
Next skill is instant with no cost to mana, health or stamina based skills. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 Requires Level 4 3 mana 1s Cast 40s Cooldown
Next skill is instant with no cost to mana, health or stamina based skills. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Rank 3 Requires Level 4 3 Mana Instant Cast 40s Cooldown
Next skill is instant with no cost to mana, health or stamina based skills. Lasts for 10 seconds.

*assuming no stat scaling
