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Skills in ATLYSS are abilities that can be used as attacks for defeating Creeps, buffing the player, or unlocking new abilities for specific weapons. Learning skills requires the usage of skill points.

Skill points are earned for every even level the player reaches, at a rate of 3 points per even level. Therefore, the current total number of legitimate skill points a player can earn total is 36.

Skills can be reset by using a  Tome of Unlearning.

List of Skills


These skills can be unlocked by anyone, so long as they meet the level requirement. Many of these are race-based skills that can be unlocked via Skill Scrolls.

Name Description
 Alacrity Applies a clearcast boon. The next cast will be instant with no mana, health or stamina cost.
 Inner Focus Provides a buff that guarantees a 100% Critical Strike chance for the next attack.
 Leg Up Grants a movement speed increase buff, additionally increasing evasion.
 Recall Recalls the player back to Sanctum, spawning a portal to return where the caster recalled from. Can only cast outside of Sanctum.
 Recovery Applies a healing condition that restores health over time.
 Rock Toss Tosses a rock, generating high threat on hit targets.
 Siphon Leech Shoots a siphoning projectile that spawns eldritch leeches on the hit target, healing the caster as they deal damage.
 Sturdy Provides a buff that grants immunity to knockback and auto parries incoming attacks.
 Cryo Needle Casts a quick set of spinning ice needles.
 Divine Places a holy well below the caster, damaging targets and healing allies over time.
 Execute Deals damage to a target, with a chance to kill them instantly if they are low on health. Requires a physical combat weapon.
 Fireball Casts an additional fireball each rank.
 Life Tap Fully replenishes the casters mana with the cost of their health. Ineffective if the caster doesnt have enough health or full mana.
 Spire Molds the surface into a row of sharp spires.
 Spread Shot Shoots a spread of projectiles. Requires a ranged weapon.


The following skills can only be learned by players using the Fighter class.

Name Description
 Stomp Stomps at the ground, damaging nearby enemies. Generates high threat.
 Rage Drives the Fighter and their nearby allies into a fit of rage, increasing all power stats temporarily.
 Lethal Strike Charge and release skill. Sends the Fighter into a dash, landing a heavy force attack on hit.
 Blood Gush Deals initial damage, then applies a bleeding damage over time condition on hit.
 Cyclone The Fighter throws their weapon as a boomerang, causing persistent damage to targets.
 Shield Bash The Fighter bashes with their shield, providing a stun for a short period on hit. Requires a held shield.
 Bulwark Bolsters the defensive strength of the Fighter.
 Reflect Allows the Fighter to reflect melee damage if successfully parried.


The following skills can only be learned by players using the Mystic class.

Name Description
 Fluxbolt Casts a magic projectile that explodes on impact. Has potential to hit multiple times each rank.
 Fluxspear Casts a piercing spear of arcane magic in front of the caster, dealing damage and stunning all adjacent targets.
 Cross Charge and release skill. Manifests a source of explosive arcane magic.
 Nova Area of effect skill that emits a ring of magic energy around the caster, pushing back enemies.
 Prism Forms a shield around the caster, absorbing any incoming damage.
 Imbue Imbues a mystical spirit to the caster and nearby allies, increasing their maximum mana and magic power.
 Restora Restores nearby allies health, including the Casters health.
 Blink Unlocks the ability to quickly teleport from one point to another.
 Manaflow Communes with the ley energies that surround the caster, recieving faster mana regeneration.


The following skills can only be learned by players using the Bandit class.

Name Description
 Venom Shot Shoots a venom coated projectile. Deals damage over time, and decreases the target's defense. Requires a ranged weapon.
 Killer Jab Strikes the target, dealing strong initial damage and a poison debuff. Requires a physical combat weapon.
 Volley Charge and release skill. Fires a projectile in the air, raining shrapnel within a radius below. Requires a ranged weapon.
 Pay Day The Bandit stuns the target, additionally causing them to drop currency.

Requires a physical combat weapon.

 Bomb Trap Places an explosive trap that triggers within proximity of nearby targets.
 Mist Veil The bandit evokes a mist from their body, vanishing themselves and healing for a short time.
 Devious Signet Applies a signet to the Bandit and nearby allies, increasing evasion, max stamina, and critical strike chances.
 Agile Technique The Bandit becomes more acrobatic, unlocking different methods of movement.


The following skills unlock special abilities and chargeable attacks for their respective weapons.

Name Description
 Bell Mastery Learns the ability to further utilize powers of Magic Bells, allowing the caster to charge attack with them.
 Heavy Melee Mastery Learns the ability to be more adept with heavy melee weaponry.
 Katar Mastery Learns the ability to be more adept with Katars.
 Melee Mastery Learns the ability to be more adept with melee weaponry.
 Polearm Mastery Learns the ability to be more adept with polearms.
 Ranged Mastery Learns the ability to be more adept with ranged weaponry.
 Scepter Mastery Learns the ability to charge scepters, unleashing stronger projectiles upon release.