Quests provide players objectives to do as they explore the world of ATLYSS. Quests range from optional to mandatory for progression. Rewards are given to the player for the completion of these quests. Several special NPCs in Sanctum can give the players quests.
Quest Progression
Quests can only be accepted once a level requirement is reached and a certain prerequisite is met (usually the completion of a previous quest).
Quest Types
- Single quests: quests that can only be completed once. They're usually the prerequisites to other quests or necessary for progressing through the game.
- Repeatable quests: quests that can be done many times.
- Mastery quests: quests that provide a weapon mastery scroll. These can be done multiple times as long as the weapon mastery isn't already learned.
Quest List
Angela provides a selection of quests that are necessary for the player's progression through the game. Some of the quests that she provides also may be optional or repeatable. As the Mystic Guardian, Angela gives the Mystic class tome and weapon mastery scrolls that involve magic combat.
Single Quests
Repeatable Quests
Mastery Quests
Enok assigns quests that tend to have the goal of sweeping a selection of creeps or slaying a specific boss. As the Fighter Guardian, Enok gives the Fighter class tome and weapon mastery scrolls that involve melee combat.
Single Quests
Repeatable Quests
Mastery Quests
Sally offers quests that involve seeking out materials in order to craft a valuable item. All of Sally's quests are completely optional. As the Bandit Guardian, Sally gives the Bandit class tome and weapon mastery scrolls that involve dexterous combat.
Single Quests
Repeatable Quests
Mastery Quests