Pay Day

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Pay Day
Pay Day.png
The Bandit stuns the target, additionally causing them to drop currency. Requires a physical combat weapon.
Scaling Type

Pay Day is an active offensive Bandit skill, causing the bandit to move forwards, stunning and damaging all targets in its way. Any targets hit also drop  Crowns.

With higher ranks of Pay Day it's initial damage and amount of  Crowns dropped increases (Pay Day only happens on the first attack per enemy, multiple uses will not drop more  Crowns).


This skill is exclusive to the Bandit class which is obtainable by using a Tome of the Bandit.

Rank progression

Rank Level


Cost Cast Cooldown
Rank 1 10 6 Stamina 0.3s Cast 13s Cooldown
Deals 7 initial damage, dropping 1 currency drop on hit.
Rank 2 10 6 Stamina 0.3s Cast 13s Cooldown
Deals 11 initial damage, dropping up to 2 currency drop on hit.
Rank 3 10 6 Stamina 0.3s Cast 13s Cooldown
Deals 16 initial damage, dropping up to 3 currency drop on hit.
Rank 4 10 6 Stamina 0.3s Cast 13s Cooldown
Deals 21 initial damage, dropping up to 4 currency drop on hit.

*assuming no stat scaling
