Mirror of Illusion

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Ah, yes. Have you sprung inspiration for a new look?
― Mirror of Illusion

The Mirror of Illusion is a NPC in ATLYSS. It can be found behind the World Portal in the Sanctum and provides the player with the ability to re-customize their character.


Mirror of Illusion
Mirror of illusion.png

The mirror of Illusion is a large, gold, ornate mirror that houses a purple portal inside of it. Peering into the mirror allows the player to re-customize their character, with some restrictions.

  • The player must pay an illusion stone per category they edit, those being Color, Head, and Body.
  • The Player cannot change their race.
  • The player cannot change their name.

Besides those restrictions, the player is given complete freedom with redesigning their character.

The only other change that the Mirror of Illusion provides is the added benefit of resetting a category's changes back to the player's current appearance.

The mirror can also be conversed with to learn about illusion stones and equipment vanity.


  • The mirror of Illusion was created by Angela
  • The mirror of Illusion states that it can only be heard by the person it is speaking to
  • Using the mirror of Illusion grants the Altered Vision achievement.

