Mastery of Range

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Mastery of Range

Crowns (Icon).png ?

Mastery of Range is a mastery scroll quest offered by Sally once the player has reached level 10. Upon acceptance of the quest, the player will receive a  Skill Scroll (Ranged Mastery) which will give them a choice to either learn the skill or discard it. Discarding the scroll will fail the quest immediately and the scroll will disappear.

Quest Objectives

Quest Description

"Ever thought you'd be interested in the know-how on usin' ranged weapons? It may come as a shock to you hun, but I know my way around usin' em and takin' down things when the job needs to be done! Ranged weapons have been a lifesaver for me and my crew!

If you'd be interested in knowing some of that skill, I can teach ya! Take this scroll. Learnin' it can give you the ability to used ranged weapons at their best potential!

In case ya wanna think' it over twice, I'm always here to give another scroll if ya need it! Just know that the scroll will vanish if ya drop it, ya hear?"

- Sally