Mastery of Polearms
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Mastery of Polearms is a mastery scroll quest offered by Enok once the player has reached level 10. Upon acceptance of the quest, the player will receive a which will give them a choice to either learn the skill or discard it. Discarding the scroll will fail the quest immediately and the scroll will disappear.
Quest Objectives
- read (0 / 1)
Quest Description
"Polearms bring me back to a nostalgic time of training. Much like other melee weapons, they are viable tools of war. I see a spark in your eye, lost one. Take this scroll, as it will teach you to apply higher skill to your use of polearms.
Come back to me anytime if you reconsider your choice. I will provide as many scrolls as you need. Remember that your scroll will vanish if you lose it. "
- Enok