Inner Focus

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Inner Focus
Inner Focus.png
Provides a buff that guarantees a 100% Critical Strike chance for the next attack.

Inner Focus is an active self buff novice skill. Upon use, provides a 100% chance to crit for the next attack.

With higher ranks of Inner Focus the cast time decreases.


This skill is learned upon creating a Byrdle character or upon use of a skill scroll which can be found in chests within any level of the Sanctum Catacombs dungeon.

Rank progression

Rank Level


Cost Cast time Cooldown
Rank 1 4 10 Stamina 2s Cast 45s Cooldown
2 sec cast time. The next physical or magical attack will be a 100% crit chance. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 4 10 Stamina 1.4s Cast 45s Cooldown
1.4 sec cast time. The next physical or magical attack will be a 100% crit chance. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Rank 3 4 10 Stamina 0.8s Cast 45s Cooldown
0.8 sec cast time. The next physical or magical attack will be a 100% crit chance. Lasts for 10 seconds.
