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A Hellsludge is a Creep. They are large, aggressive variants of Slimes with fiery properties that reside in the third layer of the Sanctum Catacombs.
Little is known about Hellsludges, as they are encountered after the defeat of the Slime Diva - who was theorized by Angela to be responsible for the presence of Slimes in the Catacombs. Due to the nebulous fate of the Slimes' queen after Diva Must Die, it is unknown whether or not she also commanded them to invade the Catacombs or if they are under her command at all.
Deathgels are large, rabbit-like amorphous blobs similar to Slimeks, but are larger in size and covered in more spikes. They have sickly expressions with drooping dark eyes, blue pupils and 'x' shaped mouths. As their name suggests, they are made of a burning subtance that is hot to the touch, giving their sharp ear attacks the ability to burn their victims.
Spawn Locations
Location |
Sanctum Catacombs (12 - 18) |
Weapons | Armor | Consumables | Trade Items |
While Hellsludge shares the same attacks as other slimes, its attacks are more dangerous due to its larger size and small environment.
If Hellsludge deals damage to the player, it will inflict Burn 1.
Ear Swipe
The Hellsludge puts its ears to either side, then swipes at the player.
Ear Slam
Occasionally if the player is outside a certain range, or is moving, the Hellsludge will rear back and then slam down with its ears, stretching them for a longer range attack.
- ATLYSS Alpha: Introduced.