Ghostly Goods

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Ghostly Goods
Completion of the quest 'A Warm Welcome'

Crowns (Icon).png Crowns (Icon).png 50


Ghostly Goods is the first quest offered by Sally. It is available at level 1, as soon as the player has completed A Warm Welcome. In order to complete the quest, the player will need to offer Sally 24  Ghostdust and 12  Geist Collar. The reward includes 5  Spectral Powder, a consumable item that will temporarily render the user invisible.

Although the quest is technically not repeatable, once it is completed Sally will offer the quest Summore' Spectral Powder, which has similar objectives and allows the player to obtain more  Spectral Powder as a reward.

Quest Objectives

Quest Description

"Y’know, I could use somethin’ of your help, if ya don’t mind! If you’re up to it, I’ll let you in on a secret too– but keep it on the hush hush!

I’m lookin’ for a special combination of ghostly goods, the type that can be mixed into a fine lil’ powder that makes you invisible!

If ya could, fetch me some Ghostdusts from them undead fellas, and a handful of those weird lil’ collars the Geists wear from the Catacombs!

Come back when ya got a good amount of em’, ya hear?"

- Sally


  • The Sanctum Catacombs dungeon has several drop sources for  Ghostdust, as well as the various Geist-type enemies that drop  Geist Collar, which makes it the ideal location to complete this quest.