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Dyes are unique Consumables. They can be obtained from chests in Dungeons, Quests, and Creeps as a random drop. Using dye changes the color of a player's Armor to the color of the respective dye, so long as it is affected by dye coloring.

Dye colors are tied to the player rather than the armor piece; wearing the same armor on a character with different dye will display a different color.

Technical details

Player data contains separate dye color values for Helm, Chest, Legs and Cape; however, as of Beta 1.0.0b, using a dye changes the Helm, Chest and Legs values together. The Cape value appears to be entirely unused.

List of Dyes

Name Stack Limit Buy Price Sell Price
 Blue Dye 1 160 67
 Green Dye 1 160 67
 Grey Dye 1 160 67
 Red Dye 1 160 67
