Diva Must Die

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Diva Must Die
Completion of the quest 'Effold Terrace'
1259 exp

Crowns (Icon).png 1200

Diva Must Die is a quest offered by Angela once the player has reached Level 5 and completed the quest Effold Terrace. This quest requires the defeat of the first overworld boss in the game, Slime Diva.

Accepting the quest will allow for the summoning of Slime Diva after defeating four Slimeks at the eastern arena in Effold Terrace.

Upon completion of this quest, Slime Diva can be rematched at any time with the same summoning method.

Quest Objectives

Quest Description

"It looks like you have done a great deal of damage to the Queen's hive of Slimeks... By proving your strength against her deluded offense, it's time to take her on while the iron is still hot.

From what the ley energies that surround the Terrace suggest, the Queen would appear if her children continued to die...

Perhaps where there are more Slimeks, that is where she may be hidden. I trust that you can fend her off and teach her a lesson, hm?"

- Angela


  • Beta 1.6.0a: Changed requisite slimes to trigger Slime Diva spawn from 8 to 4.