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Consumables are items that, as the name suggests, can be consumed by the player.

Most consumables (e.g Bunbag, Magiflower) often replenish values, such as HP or Mana. Other consumables, such as Red Dye, have unique effects - in this case, changing the color of the player's Armor.

List of Consumables

NOTE: While all items may have a listed "Buy Price", note that some might not be purchasable - instead, these are their buy prices when bought back after selling.


These are the most common type of consumable, affecting the status of the player in some way. Many of them can be purchased from Sally.

Name Stack Limit Buy Price Sell Price
 Bunbag 99 120 50
 Bunjar 99 50 21
 Bunpot 99 15 6
 Carrot Cake 99 60 25
 Defense Potion 99 350 147
 Evasion Potion 99 230 96
 Lesser Defense Potion 99 85 35
 Lesser Evasion Potion 99 78 32
 Lesser Mgk. Defense Potion 99 78 32
 Lesser Regeneration Potion 99 120 50
 Magiclove 99 80 33
 Magiflower 99 200 84
 Magileaf 99 25 10
 Mgk. Defense Potion 99 345 144
 Minchroom Juice 99 25 10
 Regeneration Potion 99 280 117
 Spectral Powder 99 80 33
 Stamstar 99 150 63
 Tome of Experience 5 3200 1344
 Tome of Greater Experience 5 7200 3024
 Tome of Lesser Experience 5 750 315
 Tome of Naivety 1 1500 630
 Tome of Unlearning 1 1200 504

Skill Scroll

Skill Scrolls add a new type of Skill to the player's skillbook. Some are obtained from NPCs, while others can be found throughout the world.

Name Stack Limit Buy Price Sell Price
 Skill Scroll (Alacrity) 1 1000 420
 Skill Scroll (Bell Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Cryo Needle) 1 800 336
 Skill Scroll (Divine) 1 1500 630
 Skill Scroll (Execute) 1 500 210
 Skill Scroll (Fireball) 1 650 273
 Skill Scroll (Heavy Melee Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Inner Focus) 1 1000 420
 Skill Scroll (Katar Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Leg Up) 1 1000 420
 Skill Scroll (Life Tap) 1 1700 714
 Skill Scroll (Melee Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Polearm Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Ranged Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Scepter Mastery) 1 0 0
 Skill Scroll (Siphon Leech) 1 1000 420
 Skill Scroll (Spire) 1 650 273
 Skill Scroll (Spread Shot) 1 500 210
 Skill Scroll (Sturdy) 1 1000 420

Class Tome

Main article: Class Tomes

Class Tomes can be consumed by the player to unlock the tome's respective Class, and can be used once Level 10 has been reached. The effects of the tome are irreversible, and only one can be used per character.

Name Stack Limit Buy Price Sell Price
 Tome of the Bandit 1 0 0
 Tome of the Fighter 1 0 0
 Tome of the Mystic 1 0 0


Main article: Dyes

Dyes change the color of specific Armors that the player equips.

Name Stack Limit Buy Price Sell Price
 Blue Dye 1 160 67
 Green Dye 1 160 67
 Grey Dye 1 160 67
 Red Dye 1 160 67