Communing Catacombs
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Communing Catacombs is the second quest given by Angela and is a follow-up to the quest 'A Warm Welcome'. The quest requires the player to enter the beginner level of the Sanctum Catacombs dungeon and attune to a sigil within.
The entrance to the Sanctum Catacombs can be found in Outer Sanctum. The sigil, which the player attunes to by using the 'interact' key, is typically found in a room shortly before the one containing the exit portal.
Quest Objectives
- Sigil attuned (0/1)
Quest Description
"It’s quite dire, you see… the Catacombs outside Sanctum was a place I could commune my mystic energies with to survey the undead. What goes on there now has been all a mystery to me...
When the world shattered, so did my magic. Fortunately, I can still feel the lost magic existing...
Find the stray Sigil deep within the Catacombs and let it tether to your soul. Once you do, we can further explore what looms ahead of us... I do fear for the worst."
- Angela
- All of the target enemies for the Night Spirits quest can also be found in the beginner Catacombs, so it is recommended to take both quests before venturing inside.
- The quest is complete upon finding the sigil, so the player may recall out of the dungeon once the sigil is found to save time.