Blood Gush

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Blood Gush
Blood Gush.png
Deals initial damage, then applies a bleeding damage over time condition on hit. Requires a physical combat weapon.
Scaling Type

Blood Gush is an active attack fighter skill launching the player forward dealing damage in an area around them and inflicting the bleed status.

With higher ranks of Blood Gush the skill's initial damage and bleed damage scaling increase.


This skill is exclusive to the Fighter class which is obtainable by using a Tome of the Fighter.

Rank progression

Rank Level


Cost Cast Cooldown
Rank 1 10 8 Stamina 0.3s Cast 12s Cooldown
Deals 2 damage, then 1 damage every 1.8 sec.
Rank 2 12 8 Stamina 0.3s Cast 12s Cooldown
Deals 5 damage, then 1 damage every 1.8 sec.
Rank 3 14 8 Stamina 0.3s Cast 12s Cooldown
Deals 8 damage, then 1 damage every 1.8 sec.
Rank 4 16 8 Stamina 0.3s Cast 12s Cooldown
Deals 11 damage, then 1 damage every 1.8 sec.

*assuming no stat scaling
