Beam Statue

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Beam Statue
Beam Statue Front.png
File:Beam Statue Back.png

A Beam Statue is a type of Hazard. It is unharmable, and consists of a stationary, unmovable sloped pillar. Floating atop that is what resembles a singular red eyeball, adorned by similarly floating metallic decorum. The 'eye' slowly rotates clockwise, on constant vigil for trespassers. Such trespassers must take care to not be seen, lest they draw the statue's harmful gaze...

Spawn Locations

Sanctum Catacombs
Crescent Keep


The Beam Statue cannot move. The eye above the pillar rotates clockwise slowly, projecting an invisible cone outwards from itself. Upon a player character entering the cone, the eye will 'lock on' to the player. One second afterwards, the statue begins to shoot a constant beam of energy from the eye to the player character. The statue will continue shooting this beam until the player character fully exits the Statue's range. The laser can be blocked by structures and obstacles, but in the event that the laser makes direct contact with the player character, the player will sustain 10 true damage per second.